Friday, February 24, 2012

true confessions

I could have put more photographs on here.  But I think a little real-ness goes a long way.  Here you see some of my "mess."  The kitchen drawers were B-A-D.  The laundry room was a D-saster.  If Martha Stewart saw this she would go weak in the knees and vomit.  If Better Homes and Gardens saw this they would grab the red telephone, call in a team of professionals, stage an intervention and "repurpose" my laundry space.  If that guy with the funny name who used to do stuff on Oprah saw this he would break into a cold sweat and recommend lots of baskets and a label machine on steroids. 

But it is just me and my junk, facing off, doing battle.  Eyes locked- who will glance away first and go home defeated?  NOT gonna be me, EL JUNKO!  You are going down!  Case in point, check out these Before and Afters from the kitchen.  I have to say that these are like those B & A diet/workout photos where you KNOW they put the person in a bad color and made them frown and took off all make-up and made them stand facing front with their feet flat on the floor.  Then, like magic, in the second photo, after a month of grueling workouts and eating nothing but gruel, they are happy, oh so happy!  And they are tan and wearing a cute color and smiling and standing at an angle with their hands on their hips.  What a transformation!  But seriously, these drawers make me so happy!  I should have put myself in the first picture, covered with baby spit and a bit of babysnot on my shoulder, haggard face, frizzy hair, sweatpants, wrangling my crying baby.  The second picture I would have mascara and a smile and a cute ruffly 1950s inspired apron, with soft curls framing my face, my hands gently poised at my side. 

TA-DA!  Thanks to my kitchen purge and some drawer organizers from my dear friend IKEA, I was able to transform my drawers into sleek models of efficiency and economy.  Just think of all the time I save by being able to see the exact utensil I need right when I need it.  Bliss. Or close to it, I guess.  And here's drawer number one, up close and personal.

Eat your heart out Marfa!
(Stay tuned for scenes from the Laundry Room.  It is a whole'nother kettle of fish to fry.)


  1. I am uber proud of the drawer transformation, Merrill! It makes my heart long for an IKEA- but that's a whole 'nother can of worms. :)

    For some GREAT organizing ideas, I love to waste time drooling over - Her kitchen is one that even Marfa would love.

  2. awesome! I am wishing I had a friend named IKEA closer...all my drawer organization came from Bed Bath and Beyond.

  3. You make my heart sing, Merrill. And make me a bit anxious that I won't make the yard sale deadline. Must-start-purging! We started last night, indeed, but there's much more house to go through. The professional organizer-wanna-be in me might just have fun with these projects. Great inspiration for me!

  4. Your making me feel guilty about my "drawer of shame"! It made me feel good to know we were in it together, but grrr, I guess I should buy some drawer organizers too. :)
